Enid Charity Ball Presenting Check to Enid Community Clinic

The Enid Charity Ball Committee will be presenting a $39,000 check to the Enid Community Clinic on Nov. 17th.  The check represents the proceeds from the Enid Charity Ball fundraiser.The popular event usually takes place in August but was cancelled this year due to public health concerns.  In turn, the Enid Charity Ball committee turned to a mail-in fundraiser and the Northwest Oklahoma Osteopathic Foundation offered to match all contributions up to $25,000.  $19,500 was raised and matched.“While the mail-in donations are impressive, I can’t say I was totally surprised by the success of the campaign.  Our Charity Ball patrons have historically been generous, ever since the event first took place in 1997.  They believe in the mission of the community clinic and their support has been unwavering.”  Said Kristy Skidmore, co-chair of the Enid Charity Ball.  That being said I think we are all looking forward to having an in-person event in 2021.The annual gala and live auction will take place at Oakwood County Club on August 21, 2021.Anita Luetkemeyer, Executive Director at the Foundation encourages those who are able to help support the event. “ Now, maybe more than ever in light of the pandemic, there is a need for people without insurance and without financial resources to have access to quality healthcare,” she said.  I urge people to support the effort by attending the Charity Ball or making a financial gift to the clinic.  People can also support the event by donating an item to be auctioned that evening.The Enid Charity Ball Committee is comprised of  Committee Chairs:  Kristy Skidmore and Chelsea Bugg.  Auction Chair:  Ivy Epps.  Committee Members: April Davis, Todd Earl, Ryan and Kristi Fossett, Brooke Jackson, Tiffany Lack, Anita Luetkemeyer, Jana Sawicki, and Mindy Shimanek.For more information about how you can be a part of Enid Charity Ball contact Luetkemeyer at anita.luetkemeyer@gmail.com or call 580-234-6071.


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