Dr. Oldham's Pantry

Osteopathic Physician Sara Oldham is sharing her passion for food through a Facebook page. Titled Dr. Oldham's Pantry, this page shares cooking tips and recipes. Dr. Oldham has always loved to cook, she says, but it took a back burner during her residency. "I've enjoyed picking up the hobby again since becoming an attending." (Dr. Oldham is a hospitalist at St Mary's) "My motivation is to make family meal time a priority with healthy meal options."

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Springtime is here.  The changing of the season ushers in the awakening of flowers, trees, and grasses that have been dormant during the winter months. Unfortunately for some, Springtime also means runny noses, watery eyes, and lots of sneezing.Allergic Rhinitis or “Hay fever” as it’s commonly called, affects about 8 percent of the United States population, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.Dr. Moery is an osteopathic physician specializing in family practice.  She says “This time of year, tree and grass pollen are the biggest hay fever triggers and our Oklahoma winds spread these air-borne particles, everywhere.”

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